

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

SEO Tips to Double Rankings, Traffic and Conversion

The only thing better than one search result in the top 3 positions in Google is two search results from a double ranking. This SEO tip works from pushing a competitor off the first page to broadening your websites keyword funnel and double traffic and conversions.

Two Results are Better than One I read somewhere that 87% of search engine traffic for a given keyword is allocated from occupying the #1 position in the search engine results page. If you understand SEO, then this post will share a quick method to double your SERP position and the likelihood of improving keyword conversions, once you have reached the Mecca for a specific search term.

How to register at the open directory DMOZ.Org

In the following article we will discuss about how to register your site on two portals. Which one is the international portal (in English of course) named DMOZ or Open Directory Project (ODP), which is located at The other is a national portal or portals Indonesian named Search Indonesia which is located at By registering at the Open Directory (DMOZ), if your registration is received, you will at once put into a large database of well-known search engines such as Google, Altavista, AOL Search, HotBot, Lycos and others. Search engines Yahoo! Also been included because Yahoo! Also uses Google's database.
Click to
Sign up at the Open Directory (DMOZ)

Sign up at the Open Directory (DMOZ)

We start from the Open Directory. Go to the site in Open Directory. Views initially appeared as follows :

Click the Suggest URL link at the top of the banner that is in DMOZ. You will be taken to a page that contains an explanation of the regulations or ordinances filed a registration website (How to Suggest a Site to the open directory). If you are a little (let alone many) can not speak English, it's good you read these regulations carefully. Among the points that regulation is important for us to know:

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Search Engine

Examples of search engines include :


Using search engines (search engines) is the usual way adopted by the netters to find specific information needed in the wilderness of the world wide web (www). However, not infrequently use the search engine have yielded disappointing results, simply because the user performs the query in a way that is not quite right. The following tips can guide you expected to use search engines effectively to find the information you need :

Google kündigt Top-1000-Websites: Facebook Nr. 1

Montag, 31-May-2010, 07.57.49 - Google Ad Planner
Schüchtern, kündigte Google seinen 1000 Rang wie das Universum Top-Websites. Praktisch verlegen, weil Google "ankündigen" durch die Google Ad Planner. In diesem Ranking, wurde Facebook in der ersten Sequenz, mit der Zahl der Unique Visitors pro Monat, so viele wie 540 Millionen Menschen oder 35,2 Prozent des weltweiten Internet-Bevölkerung. Viele Menschen jeden Monat Zugriff auf die 570 Millionen Seiten von Facebook. In der nächsten Sequenz: Yahoo, Live, Wikipedia, MSN, Microsoft, Blogspot, Baidu, und so weiter. Google selbst, um was?

Google Ready to Launch Challenger IPAD Tablets

Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010, 10.06.35 - Wallstreet Journal

Kann nicht warten, bis IPAD kaufen? Kein Schaden in dieses Spiel wartet. In Zusammenarbeit mit Google, Verizon Wireless, Betreiber von Mobiltelefonen in den USA, bereit, um Rivalen IPAD Tablet-Computer zu starten, Tablet-Computer hergestellt von Apples neu lancierten etwas mehr als einem Monat. Die Aussage "überrascht" wurde von Lowell McAdam, CEO von Verizon Wireless enthüllt. Überraschend, weil Google selbst hat nie gesagt, dass, obwohl Google ernst ist die Nutzung und Verbreitung von Android wird ein Verizon OS Tabletten werden. Jahren hat Verizon Wireless erfolgreich das Motorola Droid, die auch mit Android OS gestartet.

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Indonesia Merdeka

Original Design Vecto : ardhan
Editing : CorelDraw X3
Date : 29/5/2010