

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Good views of the 10 Personality for Success

Success in work or other activities is a dream for many people like you. Typically, such an assumption is associated with a lifestyle of hardwork. But it will not happen if not supported with a good personality. So, do not ever expect to have success before.

That's part of the law of causality that puts human lives at the position of the successes and failures. By karenai it, your destination you become a person who represents a successful life. Here are some of them : 

Is a positive personality in the first rank. Make everyone be like, because they feel secure and appreciated, sure there will be fooled or deceived. Genuine personality, placing himself in truth and honesty without the nonsense. Certainly would be more ideal if the sincerity of innocence can not be self-defeating.

Humility reveals one's strength in recognizing and appreciating the benefits of other Oran. Because, he was able to make a person feel better while on it makes people below him do not feel inferior.

Loyalty has become a rare commodity and very high price. People who are always loyal and reliable to be trusted. He always kept his word, had a strong commitment, sacrifice and abstinence treason.

Positive Thinking
People with positive attitude always trying to see things from a positive lens, even in a bad situation though. He prefers to talk about goodness than badness of other people, preferring to talk about hope rather than despair, preferring to look for solutions rather than frustration, praise rather than criticize, and so forth.

Not everyone is blessed with cheerful character. Cheerfulness is not necessarily interpreted as an expression of face and body, but the heart attitude. Their cheerful person who is capable of enjoying life, not like complaining and always trying to achieve happiness. People who have these attitudes have great potential to entertain and encourage others.

Be responsible
The person responsible shall carry out their obligations seriously. If you make a mistake, he dared to admit. When a failure, he will not seek scapegoats to blame. Even if he felt disappointed and hurt, he would not blame anyone. He realizes that he alone is responsible for any experienced and felt.

People who believe themselves capable of adapting to new environments and situations. He knows what to do and doing it well.

Greatness of soul
Greatness of soul can be seen from a person's ability to forgive others. High-minded person who does not let herself be ruled by hatred and hostility. When facing difficult times she can remain strong, not letting himself get lost in sadness and despair.

Easy going
People who think life is easy going light. She does not like to exaggerate minor problems. Even tried to play down the big problems. He does not like to bring up the past and did not want to worry about the future. He does not want a headache and stress thinking about the problems that are beyond his control.

Empathy is a very admirable trait. People who empathize not only a good listener but also can put yourself in someone else's. When there is conflict he is always looking for the best solution for both parties, does not like to impose their opinions and will. He always tried to comprehend and understand others. (OL-08).

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